C (7) C++ (8) FAIR (1) FFT (2) Fortran (8) GPU (1) HPC (3) Linux (4) Lisp (1) MATLAB (1) Pandas (2) Python (12) R (4) Rust (1) Shiny (1) UoY (1) Viking (1) architecture (1) basics (11) bugs (1) build-systems (1) compilers (2) compression (1) control (2) cpu (1) data (8) datascience (1) debugging (1) development (1) documentation (1) emacs (2) files (1) floating-point (1) fun (1) function-optimisation (1) git (2) hardware (2) languages (1) low-level (7) makefiles (1) objects (2) open-research (1) optimisation (4) org-mode (1) packaging (4) parallel (2) performance (4) perl6 (1) practical (18) preconditioning (1) profiling (2) programming (2) python (2) quasi-Newton (1) rdm (1) regex (1) reproducibility (2) research (3) resources (1) science (1) shell (2) software (7) software-engineering (1) ssh (1) ssi (1) sustainability (1) terminal (1) testing (3) text-editing (2) vcs (2) version (2) version-control (6) visualisation (2) webdev (1)

 C (7)

Write faster code
Build Systems and Packaging
Project Structure
Mixing languages

 C++ (8)

Write faster code
Build Systems and Packaging
Project Structure
Object-Oriented Programming
Modern C++

 FAIR (1)

The FAIR Principles for Data and Software

 FFT (2)

What, more Fast Fourier Transforms?
What is a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)?

 Fortran (8)

Write faster code
Build Systems and Packaging
Project Structure
Object-Oriented Programming
Mixing languages

 GPU (1)

Introduction to GPU programming

 HPC (3)

MATLAB - How to speed up your code and run jobs on Viking from MATLAB
Write faster code
Introduction to GPU programming

 Linux (4)

Files, Filesystems, and File Formats
Using the terminal effectively
Installing Software on Linux
Installing Software on Linux

 Lisp (1)

Common Lisp - The programmable programing language


MATLAB - How to speed up your code and run jobs on Viking from MATLAB

 Pandas (2)

More Data Analysis in Python with Pandas
Data Analysis in Python with Pandas

 Python (12)

Write faster code
More Data Analysis in Python with Pandas
Data Analysis in Python with Pandas
Build Systems and Packaging
Project Structure
Hands on Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Programming
Using Python for shell scripts
Python packaging
Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
Mixing languages
Test driven development

 R (4)

You can make an R package too!
Speeding up R for Data Analysis
Write faster code
Building interactive web-apps in R with Shiny

 Rust (1)

Rust for Reproducible Research

 Shiny (1)

Building interactive web-apps in R with Shiny

 UoY (1)

I Just Can't Use My Laptop Anymore

 Viking (1)

MATLAB - How to speed up your code and run jobs on Viking from MATLAB

 architecture (1)

From Code To Computer: What Happens When You Hit 'Go'

 basics (11)

Version control
Test Driven Development
Introduction to Version Control
Project Structure
Introduction to Version Control
Writing Good Research Software
Getting started with version control
GNU Coreutils
Tests and testing
Version control

 bugs (1)

Meltdown and Spectre

 build-systems (1)

Build Systems and Packaging

 compilers (2)

From Code To Computer: What Happens When You Hit 'Go'

 compression (1)


 control (2)

Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub
Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub

 cpu (1)

What is a CPU?

 data (8)

The FAIR Principles for Data and Software
Speeding up R for Data Analysis
Open Research Skills Framework
Effective Data Visualisation for Research
More Data Analysis in Python with Pandas
Data Analysis in Python with Pandas
Data Visualisation II
Data Management

 datascience (1)

Building interactive web-apps in R with Shiny

 debugging (1)


 development (1)

You can make an R package too!

 documentation (1)


 emacs (2)

Getting ORGanised
How to do everything in Emacs

 files (1)

Files, Filesystems, and File Formats

 floating-point (1)

Floating Point Numbers

 fun (1)

Code Games

 function-optimisation (1)

Optimisation of a function

 git (2)

Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub
Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub

 hardware (2)

Files, Filesystems, and File Formats
What is a CPU?

 languages (1)

From Code To Computer: What Happens When You Hit 'Go'

 low-level (7)

Files, Filesystems, and File Formats
Floating Point Numbers
Meltdown and Spectre
What is a CPU?

 makefiles (1)

Introduction to Makefiles

 objects (2)

Hands on Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Programming

 open-research (1)

Open Research Skills Framework

 optimisation (4)

Write faster code
From Code To Computer: What Happens When You Hit 'Go'

 org-mode (1)

Getting ORGanised

 packaging (4)

You can make an R package too!
Build Systems and Packaging
Project Structure
Python packaging

 parallel (2)

Write faster code
Thinking in Parallel

 performance (4)

MATLAB - How to speed up your code and run jobs on Viking from MATLAB
Write faster code
Thinking in Parallel
I Just Can't Use My Laptop Anymore

 perl6 (1)


 practical (18)

Test Driven Development
Introduction to Version Control
More Data Analysis in Python with Pandas
Data Analysis in Python with Pandas
Build Systems and Packaging
Working with others
Introduction to Version Control
Hands on Object-Oriented Programming
Common Lisp - The programmable programing language
Code Games
Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
Mixing languages
Searching for Answers in a Text-Based Universe
Test driven development
How to do everything in Emacs

 preconditioning (1)

Optimisation of a function

 profiling (2)

Write faster code

 programming (2)

Thinking in Parallel
Practical software design and style

 python (2)

What's the deal with Python 3?
Python for scientific calculations

 quasi-Newton (1)

Optimisation of a function

 rdm (1)

Open Research Skills Framework

 regex (1)

Searching for Answers in a Text-Based Universe

 reproducibility (2)

Rust for Reproducible Research
A Year As A Software Sustainability Institute Fellow

 research (3)

Writing Good Research Software
Managing your software project
Data Management

 resources (1)

I Just Can't Use My Laptop Anymore

 science (1)

Speeding up R for Data Analysis

 shell (2)

Using the terminal effectively
GNU Coreutils

 software (7)

You can make an R package too!
The FAIR Principles for Data and Software
Writing Good Research Software
Installing Software on Linux
Installing Software on Linux
Practical software design and style
Managing your software project

 software-engineering (1)

Practical software design and style

 ssh (1)

Working with remote computers

 ssi (1)

A Year As A Software Sustainability Institute Fellow

 sustainability (1)

A Year As A Software Sustainability Institute Fellow

 terminal (1)

GNU Coreutils

 testing (3)

Test Driven Development
Test driven development
Tests and testing

 text-editing (2)

Getting ORGanised
How to do everything in Emacs

 vcs (2)

Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub
Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub

 version (2)

Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub
Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub

 version-control (6)

Version control
Introduction to Version Control
Working with others
Introduction to Version Control
Getting started with version control
Version control

 visualisation (2)

Effective Data Visualisation for Research
Data Visualisation II

 webdev (1)

Building interactive web-apps in R with Shiny