We all stand on the shoulders of giants, building on others’ research,
and open source software such as NumPy, data.table, or LAPACK. How can
we effectively give back, and ensure that other researchers can
continue to build on our work?
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Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub
Killian introduced version control with Git and GitHub, starting with an overview of version control, working through working alone with git and GitHub and finishing with the basics of collaborating with others.
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Thinking in Parallel
Killian introduced parallel problem solving, motivating its use and exemplifying it with a couple of common parallel patterns.
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Version control
A crash course in git basics
We start the new year off by revisiting an important skill for
developing software: version control.
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Files, Filesystems, and File Formats
What’s the difference between YAML and JSON, and why should you care?
Why do ten thousand 1-byte files take up more disk space than one 10,000-byte file?
What is this 💾 and why does it mean save?
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